Gold Membership

Gold Membership to Bonus Kings gives you access to the full range of items in our Rewards Store, including shopping vouchers and PayPal cash .

How do I achieve Gold Membership status?

Advancement to Gold membership level is very achievable. To reach Gold membership, you need to have;

  • Joined and deposited at 4 or more participating sites in total via the Bonus Kings Player Rewards program
  • In the last 30 days, joined 1 new participating site or redeposited at a participating site that you have previously joined via the Bonus Kings Player Rewards program 

The best place to look to earn Reward Points is on our Enhanced Reward Points for Joining page.

Eligibility for Gold membership is determined at the end of each calendar month. If you fulfil the requirements of Gold membership this month, you will be upgraded to Gold membership status on the 1st business day next month

If you have any queries about your membership level, or advancement to other levels, please don't hesitate to contact us